Carla Jorge, Irina Melo and Catarina Correia Marques
Collection: O que fazem os pais?
32 pages. 235 x 260 mm
ISBN: 9789899716995
For children, their parents' profession is almost magical. It's an unknown world they hear about at home and are curious to explore.
O que fazem os pais? (What do parents do?) is a new book series about professions from Máquina de Voar®. How will adults' professions be seen through the eyes of children?
O meu pai é polícia
Tells the day-to-day life of a hero father, always ready to help those in need. Come with me to meet the precinct and Metralha, the four-legged police officer who accompanies my father on patrols around the neighborhood.
O Meu Pai é Polícia